Auto World - Slot Race Controller set - 2ea.
Auto World - Slot Race Controller set - 2ea.
SLOT CAR CONTROLLERS - RS290 - 2 each - Red & White
Drivers use slot car controllers to operate a car as it races around the track.
Controllers come in many variations for different classes of cars and racing. Slot car controllers from Auto World Store arrive in a pair — colors may vary — and are compatible with Auto World and AFX models.
Slot car controllers typically operate in the 10- to 18-volt range. Other controller features include the following:
Many systems offer variable levels of sensitivity. Slot car drivers can typically dial in their controller to match a particular class of car.
Some slot car controllers include chokes to limit power on high-class vehicles.
Modern slot car controllers are trigger-operated, meaning the harder you pull the trigger, the faster the vehicle will go.
Letting off the controller will apply brakes to your slot car.